majical inner worlds of Ecuador), each one encapsulates a unique experience along their diverse climates, exotic flora and fauna, propeling a feeling of parasychological experience that fits appropiately to lucky visitors, who are in the mood for soft adventure, ecological, rural, and gastronomic tourism activites, along with birdwatching of the most exotic birds of the Galapagos Islands, Cloud forest, and the Amazon rainforest.
Certainly, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands could be considered as natural getways for LGBTQ couples, and friends who are trying to experience "once in a liftime - exotic journeys".
In regards to specfic activities, and night life related to members of the LGBTQ joinder, Ecuador´s three main cities (Guayaquil- Cuenca- Quito) can offer a vast number of day and night entertainment for this particular community.
Nonetheless, bear in mind that eventhough there are plenty of things to do in Ecuador along its marvelous landscapes, and breathtaking Sunsets, the country´s toursitic infraestructure is still in progress, but to a similar level like other LGBTQ destinations such as Thailand, Indonesia, the Phillipines, or even Europe, just to mention a few.
All in all, Ecuador is considered a friendly destination for all ages of LGBTQ members who want to witness a friendly welcome back, tolerance and acceptance for mixed crowd of locals, foreigners, twinks, bears, transexuals, and everyone.
Some of the most well renown LGBTQ travelers such as "The Nomadic Boys" has come on a few ocastions to Ecuador, writting on their famous blog content the options to choose and explore the Capital City "San Francisco de Quito" (a.k.a as Quito), which can be considered the Spirit of the Andes mountains in South America.
Quito is without a doubt a blessed marvelous city with one of the most preserved Colonial Old Towns in Souht America. Its previleged location near by national reserves such as the Cotopaxi National Park, Mindo Cloud Forest, and colorfull folkloric towns like
Otavalo with its famous indian market, and of course the Monument of the Middle of the World from which Ecuador got its name as a Nation. Visitors can walk through the imaginary Equator line, and being with both legs simultaneously between the South and North emispheres tha composed the whole world.
Interested in getting to know more about Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands as an LGBTQ COMMUNITY MEMBER????? Take advantge of our unique Gay trips, visit our website:
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USA TELEPHONE. 305-506-6823
ECUADOR TELEPHONE: 593-2-252-9993
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