As an international visitor, the desision to arrive in a particular place, upon your arrival to the amazing Ecuador, it would depend on many factors, as well as, circumstances that you as a foreigner has to decide prior your journey overseas.
Some of the factors that could influence in your desision of choosing a particular city in Ecuador, are subjected to international flight conections of the airline you have already choosen on your journey to this magical place, also known as the "Middle of the World". Other events that may you decide where to land, are related to; whether you have already friends, relatives, referrals, or even leisure activities to enjoy in certain regions, and cities that you want to visit as part of your travel itinerary.
Now, bear in mind that each of the main cities of Ecuador, has a unique value, as well as different experience in regards to climates, flora, fauna, local ethnicity, and culture. Without a doubt, the country of the "Middle of the World" offers to international tourists the privilege to be on the northern, and southern emispheres at the same time. Quito and Cuenca are located in the Ecuadorian highlands, also know as the Andean region, or Sierra. Its main caracteristics are the Andes mountains, lagoons, volcanoes, cloud forest, thermal spring baths, among other highlight spots available in this region of the nation.
On top of that, the climate is usually considered cold during rainy season (aka as winter), and during the summer, it is considered as a springtime weather for the most part.
However, and by the charming natural hallmark of the country itself, the city of Guayaquil is located in the Pacific coast region of Ecuador. The contrast between the Andean and the coast regions are significant in their culture, behavior, and speaking accent. The comparison can be realted (more or less), when people compare the East, and West coast of USA.
Long story short, it is fair to say, to certain degree, that the cities based on the highlands are more colonial preserved, cultural, and intelectually relate to the fine arts, while the cities on the coast are more commercial, as wellas, business oriented for the most part.
The west coast residents of Ecuador, particularly from the city of Guayaquil, are more straight forward in business ventures, open to creativity and risk investments, with a natural tendency to entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the Highlanders townsfolk, particularly from Quito, are more diplomatic reserved, and are constantly interested in propeling cultural events in beaux arts, and theater among other. Nontheless, there is always exceptions to the rule anywhere in the world.
Guayaquil, on the other hand, has been considered as the financial Capital of Ecuador,
where the stock market, and a vast number of business families, have been leading the economic grow , as well as, international trade development of the nation for many years. Nontheless, within the last 4 years, former president Rafael Correa started to propel the "Eco-tourism projects" nationwide, and some of those projects started in the city of Guayaquil such as the Santay Island in the Guayas river, among others.
In this natural sanctuary, which is located accross the river, just right infront of the city´s Skyline, local and international tourist can get access to the island with bicycles, or walking through the first pedestrian tiltling bridge in the history of Ecuador. With just a few mintues away, from the crowded and lousy downtown of the city, people can enjoy the relaxation of nature by doing some outdoors activites such as: biking, hiking, birdwatching, and even enjoy the view of the cocodriles located in a protected area of this interesting Island.
Usually, when experience sightseers compare
Last but not least, the city of Cuenca, located in the Sierra, or Highlands of Ecuador,is also another magnetic spot nationwide.
Cuenca is famous for its barroque style cathedrals, as well as the little county of Chordeleg, where most of its resdients live of the artisan work of the jewels, as well as of the elaboration and sale of porcelain figures; along wuith factories for making cloths and macanas; Ceramics, embroidery, straw hats, coffee filters, etc.
This famous hat was known world wide as "Panama Hat", due to its demand during the constrution of the Panama canal, where a lot of foremen used them on a daily basis.
The art of weaving the traditional Ecuadorian toquilla hat, has been a long tradition for many centuries in the Republic of Ecuador. Although, the challenging elaboration of one single hat may take a few weeks, or even months until it can be sell, it was until recently that the UNESCO added it to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists on 6 December 2012. Nowadays, The TOQUILLA STRAW HAT is considered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage, a term used to define practices, traditions, knowledge, and skills that ancestral communities pass down from generation to generation as part of their well preserve cultural heritage.
So, next time you want to decide where to land your next journey, please consider the interesting alternatives that Ecuador can offer inland to our most exclusives travelers.
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USA Telephone: 305-506-6823
ECUADOR Telephone: 593-2-252-9993
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